“Biofeedback in art” – workshops organised as part of the Brain Awareness Week in Toruń LINK FB
General information
When: Friday, 16.03.2018
Place: Centre for Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies (ICNT), NCU
Expected number of participants: 20
Scope: all country
Target group: people actively dealing with art: artists, conservators, art historians, critics etc. (art academies, institutes and departments of art history, cultural studies etc.)
Registration: until 11.03.2018 by e-mail biofeedbackwsztuce@gmail.com
“Biofeedback in art” refers to workshops addressed to everyone who deals with art, especially artists of any fields and disciplines, art historians, museologists, critics etc. There are two main aims of our meeting: one of them is to make artists and art researchers familiar with the possibilities offered by neuro-imaging and biofeedback. The other one focuses on suggesting how scientists can find new applications for the tools they already know. The workshops will be divided into two parts. The first – theoretical – stage will include equipment presentations and discussions about its potential in the context of artistic activity. The second one – of a more workshop-like nature – will let the participants assess the equipment capabilities.
Workshop plan
I. Theoretical part, seminar room A 3.16
Session devoted to equipment usefulness with regard to interpreting or creating art. Presentation of each technique includes its mechanism of action, possible applications and limitations.
1. Julita Fojutowska
Topic: Introduction to neuro-imaging and biofeedback (“Wprowadzenie do neuroobrazowania i biofeedbacku”)
Time: 11 AM
2. Marcin Hajnowski
Topic: Biofeedback: various modalities (EKG/HRV, GSR, Temp, EMG, Resp) (“Biofeedback: różne modalności [EKG/HRV, GSR, Temp, EMG, Resp]”)
Time: 11:20 AM
3. Ewa Ratajczak
Topic: EEG and neurofeedback (“EEG i Neurofeedback”)
Time: 11:40 AM
4. Jan Nikadon
Topic: Basic issues related to magnetic resonance imaging (“Podstawowe zagadnienia dotyczące rezonansu magnetycznego”)
Time: 12:20 PM
5. Magdalena Szmytke
Topic: Introduction to eye-tracking (“Wprowadzenia do okulografii”)
Time: 12:40 PM
6. Michał Meina
Topic: Introduction to accelerometry (“Wprowadzenie do akcelerometrii”)
Time: 1 PM
II. Practical part
Workshops on how to use the equipment and find its possible applications
1. Łukasz Kędziora
Equipment: B-Alert x24
Topic: How to determine cognitive state metrics using EEG signal (“Określenie tzw. cognitive state metrics za pomocą sygnału EEG”)
Time: 2 PM
Place: EEG lab A 1.12
2. Ewa Ratajczak, Marcin Hajnowski, Julita Fojutowska
Equipment: Equivital, emWave, Biograph Infiniti
Topic: Imaging and controlling physiological biosignals (“Obrazowanie i kontrola biosygnałów fizjologicznych”)
Time: 2:45 PM
Place: EEG lab A 1.12
3. Jan Nikadon, Joanna Gorgol
Equipment: Magnetic resonance Discovery MR750 3.0T tomograph
Topic: Introduction to using functional magnetic resonance (“Wprowadzenie do zagadnień wykorzystania funkcjonalnego rezonansu magnetycznego”)
Time: 3:45 PM
Place: MRI lab A 1.21
4. Piotr Szymański
Equipment: Tobii Glasses 2, GazePoint
Topic: Characteristics of eye-tracking research conducted with stationary and mobile equipment (“Specyfika realizowania badań okulograficznych z wykorzystaniem sprzętu stacjonarnego i mobilnego”)
Time: 4:30 PM
Place: ICNT patio
III. Summary and discussion
Discussion moderator: Łukasz Kędziora
Participants: dr Piotr Szymański, Izabela Kiełek, Ewa Ratajczak, Julita Fojutowska, Marcin Hajnowski
Keynote speaker: prof. Włodzisław Duch
Time: 5 PM
Place: ICNT patio
Organised by:
Julita Fojutowska, Ewa Ratajczak, Marcin Hajnowski, Łukasz Kędziora, Izabela Kiełek, Jan Nikadon, Joanna Gorgol, Michał Meina, Magdalena Szmytke.
In cooperation with:
The Faculty of Fine Arts at Nicolaus Copernicus University, WRO Art Center, Student-PhD Scientific Club (post)ART, Emotin Sp. z o.o.