18th November 2019 was the day when the last workshop from the series “The art of seeing – about the artist’s eyes and emotions” took place, courtesy of the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów management, in cooperation with the Education Department. The workshops were attended by the 1c class students from XXXVIII Stanisław Kostka Potocki High School in Warsaw, and a group of seniors participating in classes organised by the Museum.
About the workshops
The artist’s eye + diagnosing the canvas (seniors)
The workshops referred to eye-tracking research practice for analysing and creating art. They were divided into two parts. During the first – theoretical – part, we had a brief discussion on the very technique and its possible limitations. The participants were shown examples of eye-tracking projects related to painting and architecture, as well as to the influence of selected eye defects on famous artists and their works. The presentation carried a form of discussion, welcoming the participants to ask questions. The second part involved the practical application of eye-tracking equipment. We had a chance to observe and record our own eye movements while looking at optical illusions, and works of art from the Wilanów Palace Museum collection.
Emotions in art (students)
The workshops referred to the role of emotions in art, including such parametres as EEG & EMG signals for analysing and creating works of art. The workshops were divided into two corresponding parts. First, we discussed various types of biofeedback, its limitations and research practice, as well as artistic projects using EEG signal recording. The second part consisted of workshops involving group work. Each group had a task to analyse their relaxation and concentration levels while looking at artistic objects from the Wilanów Palace Museum collection. On this basis, we distinguished the works of art which seem to attract our attention most or make us feel relaxed. As a result of the experiment, we could select the participants who achieved best / worst results. The workshop ended with the participants presenting their own test results.
learn more at: www.sztukapatrzenia.com