Łukasz Kędziora, PhD graduate in art history doctoral studies at the Faculty of Humanities of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University in art history and art history with the specialisation: European cultural tourism. Founder and co-organiser of the international Scientific Meeting “Neuro-historia Sztuki?” (“Neuro-art-history?”) in Toruń. Recipient of scholarships, incl. Università della Calabria, Facolta’ di Lettere e Filosofia, ZAiKS Creativity Promotion Fund, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (twice), the De Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation, Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship Marshall, Mayor of Toruń. Manager and researcher of grants at the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of History at NCU. The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts research trainee at the University of East Anglia. Author of scientific and critical texts, in Polish and English, incl. the book published in 2016 Visuality of the work of art. Evaluation of neuroaesthetics in the historical-artistic research. Co-editor of the multi-author publication Sensuality of the museum exbihibition. In 2018 conducted an inventory of the Polish Mission collection in Orchard Lake, USA.