Łukasz Kędziora, PhD

Staw 15
86 -221 Papowo Biskupie
tel/ + 48 696-687-496
e–mail/ contact@lukaszkedziora.com

PDF science | PDF programming


10.2019 – 11.2020
Codecool Polska Sp. z o.o., Full-stack Developer

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Faculty of History, doctoral studies on art history, PhD degree in historical sciences, PhD thesis with distinction from the exam commission
Dissertation titled Visuality of the work of art – about the need to conduct transdisciplinary interpretations and analyses of works of art

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of History, course: art history
MA thesis titled Neuroaesthetics as a new method of picture analysis

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań European College in Gniezno, course: European cultural tourism
BA thesis titled In search of the soul of the city – the Capital City of Poznań city guide

Scholarships, grants and awards:

The ks. prof. Szczęsny Dettloff Award for the best work in the field of art history, awarded by the Main Board of the Polish Association of Art Historians.

The art of looking – about the artist’s eyes and emotions (Sztuka patrzenia, czyli o oczach i emocjach artysty), project no 119795/18, scholarship by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

Supporting the research-development processes at Emotin Sp. z o.o., position: researcher, Toruń, conducting art-related eye-tracking research. RPKP.01.03.01-04-0058/16.

Inventory of the Polish Mission Museum Collection in Orchard Lake, the National Institute of Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad “Polonika”, Chicago, Orchard Lake, USA.

How to look at pictures: eye-tracking in museum, Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship Marshall scholarship, Toruń.

Internship at The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Erasmus, Norwich, UK,, supervisor: prof. John Onians.

Interpretation of selected boards in the Mnemosyne Atlas with the use of eye-tracking research. The meaning of visual experience in discovering work of art. The Warburg Institute, London, the De Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation scholarship.

How to look at paintings? Analysis of selected works of art from the District Museum in Toruń. The Mayor of Toruń artistic scholarship.

Sensuality of the museum exhibitionfrom theory to practice, project no: 2021-Z. The Faculty of Fine Arts (NCU) grant; a researcher.

Technoscience Art – the art on the verge of sciences, project no: 51479/14/a1, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage scholarship.

From applied to unique object – methodologically about the museum exposition, project no 1891-Z. The Faculty of Fine Arts (NCU) grant; a manager.

Word, picture, music – about selected Polish works of art in interdisciplinary terms, project no: FTP01/04/2014, ZAiKS Creativity Promotion Fund scholarship.

Università della Calabria, Facolta’ di Lettere e Filosofia, ERASMUS.


1. Historia sztuki i medycyna (Art history and medicine), „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka. Pisarze i mózg” 2018, nr 33.

2. J. Onians, Ł. Kędziora, Basic bibliography on art history and neuroscience | Just one click to read, watch and listen.

3. Jak wykorzystywać okulografię w muzeum – przyczynek do dyskusji (How to make use of eye-tracking in museum – admission to discussion), “Sztuka i Kultura” 2017, t. 4, Toruń, s. 313–340.

4. The usefulness of mobile EEG equipment in analysis and documentation of performance art, „Art & Perception” 2017, no. 5., s. 364.

5. Cognitive art history – admission to discussion, [w:] Newest Art History. Wohin geht die jüngste Kunstgeschichte?, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien 2017, s. 143–157.

6. A. Tołysz, H. Gołuńska, Ł. Kędziora, Zmysłowy design. Między przedmiotem a metodą (Sensual design. Between object and method), [w:] Design a sztuka, Koszalin 2017, s. 141–158.

7. Przestrzeń między sztuką a nauką, O działalności Fundacji Artystyczno–badawczej om – organizmy i maszyny w kulturze (The space between art and science. About the activity of Art & Science research foundation om – organisms and machines in culture) “Barbarzyńca” 2015, 1, (21), s. 109–119.

8. Wizualność dzieła sztuki. Ocena potencjału neuroestetyki w badaniach historyczno–artystycznych (Visuality of the work of artEvaluation of neuroaesthetics in the historical-artistic research), Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2016, 196 stron.

9. Wykorzystanie badań okulograficznych w historii sztuki (Using eye-tracking research in art history), [w:] Nauki humanistyczne i społeczne, cz. 1, Poznań 2016, s. 25–32.

10. Sensualność i badania empiryczne w kontekście strategii budowania ekspozycji (Sensuality and empirical research in the context of exhibition creating strategy), [w:] Sensualność ekspozycji muzealnej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2016, s. 123–134.

11. Live’Bot – wirtualne ciało w elektronicznym lustrze (Live’Bota virtual body in an electronic mirror) , [w:] LIVE’BOT, projekt artystyczno–badawczy nad treściami dialogowymi z maszyną w oparciu o aplikację Cleverbot 2013 –2016, Bydgoszcz 2016, s. 52–64.

12. Neurologiczna teoria doświadczenia estetycznego V. S. Ramachandrana i W. Hirsteina w kontekście teorii centrum R. Arnheima (Neurological theory of aesthetic experience by V. S. Ramachandran and W. Hirstein in the context of the theory of the center by R. Arnheim), [w:] Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce. Nauki humanistyczne i społeczne, tom 1, cz. 3, Poznań 2016, s. 63–71.

13. Kognitywna historia sztuki – przyczynek do dyskusji (Cognitive art history – admission to discussion), [w:] Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce. Nauki humanistyczne i społeczne, tom 1, cz. 3, Poznań 2016, s. 72–76.

14. Niezauważona i rewolucyjna neurohistoria sztuki (Omitted and revolutionary Neruoarthistory), [w:] „Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Konserwatorstwo i zabytkoznawstwo” 2014, nr 45, s. 223–252.

15. Organizacja miejskich tras turystycznych Nowego Orleanu jako przykład lokalnej oferty turystyki kulturowej (Organising New Orlean city tourist routes as an example of local cultural tourism), „www.turystykakulturowa.org” 2009, nr 11, s. 4–19.

16. Czy Muzeum Żydowskie w Berlinie potrzebuje ekspozycji? (Does the Jewish Museum in Berlin need exposition?), „Gazeta Malarzy i Poetów” 2008 nr 8, s. 12–13.

Cultural and educational activity:

Lecture Diagnosing the canvas – about the relation of art history and medicine at the National Museum in Poznań.

Creating and publishing interactive museum guide http://okulografia.muzeum-torun.pl.

Workshops Eye-tracking in art and Biofeedback in art at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

Co-organising and conducting workshops Biofeedback in art, during the Brain Awarness Week in Toruń.

Preparing online educational materials (7 lessons) on contemporary art history. EU project titled Educational online resources for general education on art history and music history, Latin and ancient culture – extended level, cultural studies – elementary level.

Educational workshops The future of photography – between technology and society, the Ełk Cultural Centre.

Educational workshops The art of education. Galeria Arsenał in Białystok.

Seminar at the WSG University of Economy in Bydgoszcz titled Making use of eye-tracking research for interpreting and analysing works of art.

Co-worker in the Art & Science research foundation om – organisms and machines in culture.

Co-organising (together with the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń) and conducting workshops Technoscience art – the art on the verge of sciences during the Toruń Art and Science Festival.

Lecture Do we need neuroarthistory?, Art History Institute, University of Gdańsk.

Co-organising (together with the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń) and conducting workshops Technoscience art – the art on the verge of sciences during the Toruń Art and Science Festival.

Preparing and co-hosting a discussion panel during Artenalia Festival (Humanities Night) in Poznań, titled Neuroarthistory vs. cognitive art history – discussion at the origin of new methodology.

Co-founder of the Student-PhD Scientific Club (post)ART.

Co-organising (together with the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, the City of Toruń, the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń, the Museology Institute at the Faculty of Fine Arts, NCU) the international Scientific Meeting Neuro-art-history? (Neuro-historia sztuki?) in Toruń.

Member of the Mundo Humano – Ludzki Świat Foundation.

01.09.2010 – 31.10.2013
Poznań Sport and Recreation Centre, branch: Malta.
Position: event organisation inspector
Preparing scenarios, logistics service and running cultural & sport events, such as:
• Maltańska Scena Muzyczna (Malta Music Scene) 2010-2012
• Puchar Świata w Kajakarstwie (Canoe Sprint World Cup) 2010-2013
• Malta Rally 2013
• Bieg Bez Barier
Planning and implementing marketing projects within the Malta branch activity:
• Maltańska Scena Muzyczna (Malta Music Scene) 2010-2012
• Kino Letnie nad Maltą (Malta Summer Cinema) 2010-2012
• Maltańskie Centrum Szkoleniowo Konferencyjne (The Malta Training and Conference Centre) 2010-2013
• Lodowisko Malta (Malta Ice Rink) 2010-2013
• Maraton i półmaraton poznański (Poznań marathon and half-marathon)
Organising integration and jubilee events for:
• Triumph Europe
• Kompana Piwowarska S.A.
• Coca-Cola HBC Polska
• GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A.
• Otto Bock Polska Sp. z o.o.
• Duni Poland Sp. z o.o.
• SABMiller plc
Customer service regarding: invoicing (incl. invoice corrections), preparing contracts, orders, offers, personal and telephone contact with clients.

Co-hosting radio broadcast series Studio letnie (Summer studio) at Poznań Emaus Radio together with Andrzej Błaszczak about art market in Poznań.

Conducting workshop Virtual flânuerabout the Internet art within the Charms of art (Wdzięki sztuki) series at The Arsenal Municipal Gallery in Poznań.

Hosting a journalistic-scientific radio broadcast Akcja Credo at the Poznań radio Emaus.

Participation in selected scientific conferences:

25–27 Aug 2017, Berlin, The Visual Science of Art, title of the paper: The usefulness of mobile EEG equipment in analysis and documentation of performance art.

29–30 May 2017, Warsaw, Związki szczególne. Znaczenie relacji dzieło – odbiorca w badaniach nad sztuką (Special relations. The meaning of the work of art – viewer relation in art research). title of the paper: Relacja widza i dzieła w przestrzeni muzealnej z punktu widzenia badań okulograficznych (Relation between the viewer and the work of art in museum space from the eye-tracking research perspective).

10 May 2017, Norwich University of East Anglia,, lecture titled The cognitive turn in art history during World Art Research Seminary..

25–26 Aug 2016, Vienna, Empirical Methods in Art History & Visual Studies, poster: The usefulness of mobile EEG equipment in analysis and documentation of performance art.

23 Nov 2015, Poznań, II Ogólnokrajowa Konferencja – Młodzi Naukowcy w Polsce – Badania i Rozwój (Second National Conference – Young Scientists in Poland – Research and Development), title of the paper: Związki cielesności z architekturą według Heinricha Wölfflina (The body-architecture relations according to Heinrich Wölfflin).

08–10 Nov 2015, Vienna, Newest Art History. Wohin geht die jüngste Kunstgeschichte?, title of the paper: Cognitive Turn in Art History.

08 Jun 2015, Poznań, Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce 2015 (Research and Development of Young Scientists in Poland 2015), title of the paper: Systematyka zwrotu kognitywnego w Naukach o Sztuce (Systematics of the cognitive turn in Art Sciences).

16–17 May 2015, Gdańsk–Oliwa, Międzynarodowa Konferencja i Wystawa – Design a Sztuka (International Conference and Exhibition – Design and Art), title of the paper: Zmysłowy design. Od przedmiotu użytkowego do unikatowego (Sensual design. From applied to unique object), (co-authored).

26–27 Feb 2015, Vienna, Empirical Methods in Art History, passive participation.

6–9 Nov 2014, Gdańsk, II Ogólnopolski Kongres Studentów i Doktorantów Historii Sztuki (Second National Congress of Art History Students and PhD Students), title of the paper: Neurohistoria sztuki – o potrzebie transdyscyplinarnych interpretacji i analiz dzieł sztuki (Neuroarthistory – about the need for transdisciplinary art interprerations and analyses).

23–27 Oct 2014, Poznań, Post–technologiczne doświadczenia. Sztuka–Nauka–Kultura (Post-technological experiences. Art-Science-Culture), title of the paper: Art History in Post–technological reality.

14–15 Apr 2014, Warsaw, Po drugiej stronie obrazu – o współczesnym widzu wobec dzieła sztuki (On the other side of the picture – about the contemporary viewer regarding work of art), title of the paper: Rola widza z perspektywy neurohistorii sztuki (The role of the viewer from the neuroarthistory perspective).

24 Mar 2014, Wrocław, Odlot. Nowe tematy historii sztuki (New topics in art history), title of the paper: Neuroarthistory – nowa perspektywa metodologiczna historii sztuki? (Neuroarthistory – a new methodological perspective in art history?).

20–21 Jun 2013, Toruń, Neuro–historia sztuki? (Neuro-art-history?), title of the workshops: Diagnozowanie płótna (Diagnosing the canvas), (conducted together with z dr Piotr Markiewicz).

25–26 May 2013, Toruń, Neuromania – Konferencja naukowa sceptyków z pasją (Neuromania – scientific conference for passionate skeptics), title of the paper: Adolf Wölfli – problem artystycznej świadomości (Adolf Wölflithe issue of artistic consciousness), (closing lecture).

18 May 2013, Warsaw, Granice nauki – nauka wobec granic (The limits of science – science against limits), title of the paper: Neurohistoria sztuki i jej konsekwencje dla biohumanistyki (Neuroarthistory and its consequences for biohumanities), (the text read in author’s absence).

18 May 2013, Poznań, II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Między Psychologią a Sztuką (Second National Scientific Conference Between Psychology and Art), title of the paper: Znaczenie empatii w odbiorze dzieł Stanisława Zagajewskiego (The meaning of empathy in receiving art by Stanisław Zagajewski).

9–10 May 2013, Opole, Interdyscyplinarne studencko–doktoranckie seminarium “Postciało?” (Interdisciplinary student-PhD seminar “Post-body”?), title of the paper: Pozytywy Zbigniewa Libery jako neuroestetyczny bodziec wizualny (Pozytywy by Zbigniew Libera as a neuroaesthetic visual stimulus).

28 Sep 2013, Toruń, Metodologia badań nad kulturą i sztuką Afryki (Methodology on African culture and art research), title of the paper: Neuroestetyka jako metodologia badań nad sztuką Afryki, z perspektywy historyka sztuki (Neuroaesthetics as a research methodology for African art, from the art historian’s perspective).

30–31 May 2012, Poznań, III Sympozjum konstruktywistyczne Po co nam konstruktywizm? (Third constructivist symposium Why do we need constructivism?), title of the paper: Kompetentny konstruktywizm? (Competent Constructivism?).

17–18 Mar 2012, Poznań, III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Między Psychologią a Sztuką (Third National Scientific Conference Between Psychology and Art), title of the paper: Rola percepcji w interpretacji dzieł Władysława Strzemińskiego (The role of perception in interpreting art by Władysław Strzemiński).

3–4 Jun 2011, Poznań, II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Między Psychologią a Sztuką (Second National Scientific Conference Between Psychology and Art), title of the paper: Neuroestetyka i jej znaczenie w historii sztuki (Neuroaesthetics and its meaning in art history).

Internships and trainings:

The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Neuroarthistory Summer School
Content & responsibilities:
Participation in the first summer school devoted to neuroarthistory. The seminar program included lectures, workshops and presentation titled The neuroesthetic interpretation of Władysław Strzemiński’s paintings (in cooperation with mgr Małgorzata Baka).

The Arsenal Municipal Gallery in Poznań
Content & responsibilities:
Media contact, press release editing, informing the media about current events in the gallery. Preparing and editing information for visitors.


– tour operator
– Poznań city guide

– English at good level (speaking and writing)

– Python (junior)
– C# (junior)
– Linux environment (mid)
– ASP.NET, Razor Pages, MVC (junior)
– Scrum/ Egile (8 months exp.)
– Git (regular)

– driving licence (cat. B)
– motorboat helmsman certificate of competency


3d printing, organising trips and integration events, mountain tourism, opera music, amateur studio and outdoor photography.