Lecture Diagnosing the canvas – about the relation of art history and medicine at the National Museum in Poznań. LINK FB
Lecture Wykorzystanie okulografii w tworzeniu i analizie dzieł sztuki (Using eye-tracking for creating and analysing works of art) for the Philosophy of Technology Research Group KNSF at Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Academia Electronica. LINK FB | LINK RECORDING
Lecture Biofeedback w sztuce (Biofeedback in art), organised at the Centre for Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń during Brain Awareness Week. LINK FB
10.05. 2017
Lecture titled The cognitive turn in art history during World Art Research Seminary, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
Seminar at the WSG University of Economy in Bydgoszcz titled Making use of eye-tracking research for interpreting and analysing works of art.
Lecture Do we need neuroarthistory?, Art History Institute, University of Gdańsk.
Preparing and co-hosting a discussion panel during Artenalia Festival (Humanities Night) in Poznań, titled Neuroarthistory vs. cognitive art history – discussion at the origin of new methodology.
Closing lecture at the conference Neuromania – Konferencja naukowa sceptyków z pasją (Neuromania – scientific conference for passionate skeptics), title of the paper: Adolf Wölfli – problem artystycznej świadomości (Adolf Wölfli – the issue of artistic consciousness).